The mission of Her Star Scholars is to help girls and young women around the world go to school, to provide enrichment programs, and skills training that will help girls reach their educational potential.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Learning Doesn't End In Childhood

The first week of September was the first parent's educational program of the year in the Philippines.  Edgardo, who is a volunteer with Her Star Scholars, as well as being a social worker, gave the presentation.

There was a period of letting parents get to know one another. Then Edgardo talked about effective approaches to disciplining children followed by time for the parents talk and ask questions.

In the afternoon the discussion turned to the topic of domestic abuse. Many of the mothers were surprised to learn that there were laws saying that their husbands could not hit them or the children. He provided women in crisis with options for help and free counseling.

It costs $50 to hold a parents meeting. That provides money for lunch for all of the participants, plus  rental of a screen, projector, and computer. The mothers so appreciated this meeting that they are asking Edgardo to lead as many classes as possible. We're hoping he can lead monthly meetings.

Although this meeting had primarily mothers attending, they women left assuring Edgardo that next time the fathers would attend as well.

Can you help support the parents' educational sessions? Consider giving $50 which can provide vital education for families and provide safer, more enriching home environments for the children.