With the first school year successfully completed we're now planning for the session which begins in June.
Last year we were able to help 45 children in the Philippines attend school. This year we want to do more. We will continue to support 45 children at the Alviola UCCP Learning Center, but we also want to send at least 6 girls to elementary school. These are the six girls that graduated from Kinder 2 last week. The cost for that is $4,655 which is a bargain if you think of everything these girls and their families receive by participating with Her Star Scholars. We need to raise that $4,655 by the middle of May.
Are you able to help us? For the cost of two large cappuccinos you could buy a child a pair of shoes; a week's worth of large lattes could buy a uniform and basic school supplies.
You can donate at www.herstarscholars.org, on our facebook cause page, or by sending a check to Her Star Scholars, 8783 GH Taylor Memorial Drive, Hammondsport, NY 14840.
100% of your donation goes directly to support the education of these young girls and girls like them.
There are 50 more girls on the waiting list who would love to attend school this year. Anything we raise above the $4,655 could help more girls start their educations!